Kids 12 and up can come to the pool without an adult.
A 12 year old may not bring someone under 12.
They must pass the swim test (given by the Lifeguard any time the pool is not busy) before being left at the pool.
If they are not following pool rules they will be asked to leave the pool. This is up to the Lifeguard’s discretion.
If they are asked to leave the pool on 2 occasions, they may not come to the pool alone again.
If they want to bring a guest over 12, the guest must come with the signed permission slip and pool waiver.
*This is a new system so we may tweak as needed. We are open to feedback!
Individual BBQ areas of the GVP are available for rent by members for 2-hour periods during normal hours of pool operation. Reservations are taken on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis. Depending on size, a maximum of 2 parties may occur at the same time. Full payment is required in advance to secure your reservation. “Inflatables” are not allowed on Pool property. An additional lifeguard will be on staff during all parties.
Application is as easy as 1–2–3:
1. Check your date for availability.
2. Fill in and print the reservation form.
3. Mail your application along with full payment, payable to the “Green Valley Pool”, to: P.O. Box 112, Diablo, CA 94528 at least three weeks prior to your event. You will be notified of your reservation.
Rates: Minimum fee is $200 for groups up to 25. The fee for groups over 25 is per attendee (children & adults). Please contact us by email (greenvalleypool@hotmail.com) prior to filling out an application to check date availability.
Please fill in and print the form below and mail along with your payment at least three weeks prior to your event, payable to: the “Green Valley Pool”, to: Green Valley Pool, P.O. Box 112, Diablo, CA 94528