Summer 2025 registration is now open.

Apply early as prices will go up on April 1!

Three types of pool Memberships are available: Cameo Area family, Non-Cameo Area family, and Senior Membership. Memberships are renewed on an annual basis. Pool Memberships are intended only for the family members of the permanent household and do not include any person of a Member’s ‘extended’ family. All persons who are not Members are considered Guests. Senior Memberships are only for those households where all family members of the permanent household are aged 55 or older (limit 2 seniors per household).

Map of Cameo Acres District

  • • Cameo area Family Membership: $550
    • Non-Cameo area Family Membership: $600
    • Senior Membership (55 and older): $250. This membership is for 2 seniors only.
    • Guest Fees: $5 person

  • • Cameo area Family Membership: $600
    • Non-Cameo area Family Membership: $650
    • Senior Membership (55 and older): $250.  This membership is for 2 seniors only.

    Guest Fees: $ person

Application Process 

1. Sign the waiver.

2. Fill out the Online Application:

3. Write a check for your total payment (payable to the Green Valley Pool), and mail it to: 

Green Valley Pool
P.O. Box 112, Diablo, CA 94528

- or for faster processing-

Deliver directly to 271 Via Cima Ct.
(Place in GVP box on the porch)

Please DO NOT bring waivers/check to the pool!

Your membership application is NOT complete until you have submitted all 3 parts.

  1. Signed the waiver

  2. Online application

  3. Payment

During our annual Membership Drive the following will be used to determine priority:

  • District Priority: First priority is given to families that reside within the Cameo area and were Members the previous season.

  • Membership Priority: Second priority is given to families who reside outside of the Cameo area who were Members the previous season, and Cameo area residents who were not Members the previous season. 

  • Open Priority: Third priority is given to families who live outside the Cameo area and were not Members the previous season.